TISAX training
The following training offer is based on the most recent Information Security Assessment issued by VDA in version 6.0.3
Training agenda:
1) Introduction to the information security domain under the TISAX standard requirements
2) Terms and definitions used in the TISAX standard:
3) TISAX standard implementation framework โ workflow overview
4) Detailed TISAX standard requirements overview:
- Module A: Information Security Management System
- Information Security Policy
- Organization of Information Security
- Asset Management
- Information Security Risk Management
- Information Security Assessments
- Information Security Incident Management
- Information Security requirements in HR
- Physical Security
- Elements of Business Continuity Management
- Elements of Identity and Access Management
- IT Security โ basics of the Cryptography
- Operations Security
- System acquisitions, requirement management and development
- Supplier Relationships
- Compliance in information security
- Module B: Prototype Protection
- Physical and environmental security
- Organizational requirements
- Handling of vehicles, components and parts
- Requirements for trial vehicles
- Requirements for events and shootings
- Module C: Data Privacy Protection
- Organization of Data Protection
- Compliance with the GDPR legislation (basis)
- Privacy Policy
- Data Privacy trainings
- Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
5) Documentation required during the external TISAX assessment (external audit)
6) Techniques and document types (audit evidence) confirming compliance with the TISAX standard requirements
7) Maturity levels in TISAX standard โ overview
8) KPIs in the Information Security Management System – possible measurements and analysis based on the ISA VDA assessment
BONUS material for participants:
Each participant will obtain matrix with a proposal of the assigned departments that should be involved for each TISAX question – Excel form template
Submit a request
Training program

Automotive Quality Solutions
Thanks to TISAX training participant will learn:
- TISAX standard requirements
- TISAX standard certification process
- TISAX audit evidence gathering in the TISAX certification process
- Best market practices in managing information security, data protection and prototypes protection
- RACI model in the TISAX standard implementation
Automotive Quality Solutions
Benefits for the company:
- Contribution in establishing a common information security level in the Automotive Industry
- Building the lasting and positive image of your company on the Automotive sector
- Strengthening credibility of your company as a trusted business partner
- A chance to establish new business contacts
- Establishing a transparent assessment for your company contractors
- Improving communication across your Supply Chain
Automotive Quality Solutions
2 days (eachย 7,5 hours)
Date of open training:
18.09-19.09.2025 โ online open training
890 Euro for first participant. In case of 2 or more participants from the same plant offer 10% discount on the second and all other participants.
To organize in-house TISAX training sessions or internal online sessions for companies please get in touch with office.
The invoice due date will beย 30 days from the invoice issue date. The invoices for the services will be issued after the service delivery.
On client demand there is a possibility of training extending with an additional workshop day.
We’re also offering consulting services related TISAX implementation.
Price include:
- Training participation
- Training materials
- Certificate