CQI-12 training – Coating System Assessment

CQI-12 training agenda:


1. Customer Specific Requirements and IATF16949:2016 regarding CQI

2. Family of CQI standards, characteristics of special processes

3. CQI-12 General requirements for CQI-12

4. Competences of auditors

5. Assessment of the main aspects

6. Overview of the CQI-12 standard

  • Staff Responsibility and Quality Planning
  • Responsibility for the warehouse and material turnover
  • Job Audit: Product audit, audit of the finished product assembly process and audit packing
  • Detailed discussion of tables A-L

7. Practical Exercises and Case Studies

8. Training Summary

Training addressees:

  • Managers:
    • Directors
    • Managers
    • Area leaders


  • Specialist staff:
    • Process Engineers
    • Quality Specialists
    • Quality Controllers
    • Maintenance Specialists
    • Direct contact with the client representative

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Automotive Quality Solutions
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Training program

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Automotive Quality Solutions

Benefits for the company:

  • Auditing in Compliance with AIAG CQI-12 Requirements
  • Management of Process, Quality, and Process Coating Documentation Changes
  • Ensuring Proper Machine and Component Supervision for Maintaining Production Process Continuity
  • Understanding Requirements and Standards: After completing the training, participants will become familiar with AIAG requirements and standards related to coating process assessment. They will accurately interpret procedures, techniques, and tools used in assessing the quality of the coating process.
  • Effective Quality Process Assessment: The training will enable participants to learn how to effectively assess the quality of the coating process based on AIAG’s CQI-12 guidelines. They will be able to identify potential problems, defects, deviations from standards, and determine corrective and preventive actions.
  • Minimizing Quality Risks: Upon completing the training, participants will be capable of minimizing quality risks associated with the coating process. With the acquired process assessment skills, they will be able to detect potential non-conformities and errors, contributing to product quality improvement and reduction of costs related to complaints and repairs.
  • Enhancing Process Efficiency: The training will help participants identify areas for improvement and optimization of the coating process. They can introduce innovations, new technologies, and practices that will increase process efficiency, reduce cycle time, and lower production costs.
  • Improving Technical Skills: Training participants will improve their technical skills related to coating process assessment. They will learn new measurement methods, inspection techniques, data analysis tools, and ways to interpret results.
  • Compliance with Industry Requirements: Completion of the training allows participants to comply with industry requirements and meet the quality standards applicable in the industry. Possessing the necessary skills and knowledge in coating process assessment provides a competitive advantage for the company.
  • Building Customer Trust: Adequate knowledge of painting processes contributes to increased customer and business partner trust. Customers will have confidence that the company adheres to high-quality standards in the coating process, resulting in customer satisfaction

Automotive Quality Solutions


Duration: 1 day


Date of open training session:

23.04.2025 – online training



400 Euro for one participant

In case of 2 or more participants from the same plant offer 10% discount on the second and all other participants.

To organize inhouse training sessions or internal online sessions for companies, please get in touch with office.

The invoice due date will be 30 days from the invoice issue date. The invoices for the services will be issued after the service delivery.


Price include:

  • Training participation
  • Training materials
  • Certificate

Check out also article regarding CQI-12

CQI-12 training Coating System Assessment