How Can a Flying Doctor Improve Automotive Warranty Performance?

Flying Doctor (Man in the Van) activity in automotive warranty performance can play strategic role in improving main KPI’s (for example: IPTV – incident per thousand vehicles, TF – technical factor , CPU – cost per unit, number of warranty returns).

The most important advantages are listed below:

  • Their activity allows early diagnosis of the problem and its analysis directly at dealer side. By this approach organization doesn’t have to involve their resources if this person will be hired outside of organization – see below sketch.Flying Doctor - where should be applied
  • From the point of view of the Technical Factor defining results for analyzed part with an unconfirmed defect, have an impact on the percentage of rejected parts that reduces the supplier’s share in the involved costs
  • Before visiting the dealer, it is essential that Flying Doctor has all the knowledge about the part that will be analyzed (providing all necessary information based on traceability).
  • Thanks to this, it is possible to automatically reject the complaint in case of identifying the exchanged components outside of organization plant (see example on the next page).
  • Flying Doctor must be equipped with full diagnostic equipment provided by the organization’s plant (software, laptop, stethoscope, camera, optionally part for replacement).

Flying Doctor – How to start the implementation

When organization will consider activating such approach, it’s important that Flying Doctors, in order to verify the components directly at the dealers will perform dedicated training at the plant producing the particular components, which will include the following areas:

  • Product training (for example performed by product support engineers)
  • Training on the production line to familiarize the Flying Doctors with the assembly processes.
  • Training of previously recorded quality problems covering both 0-km and field returns.
  • Training in electrical diagnostics (department dealing with the analysis of electrical problems); if the organization produces electronic components
  • Optionally training in mechanical diagnostics, which carries out road tests of returned components in the car environment.

They can be also used in another areas as well to support organization. In this point it worth to remember that Flying Doctor can also verify how the dealer handle the service parts, in order to exchange them for the defective part. It is important in the case of non-compliance for problems that occur within a short period of time after the installation in the car service part.

In such situations Flying Doctor can conduct training at a particular dealer service station, and as systemic action OEM can send to the dealer service stations information on the correct way of components handling. Base on this we’re showing to client our proactivity which has positive impact on long term relationship building.

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