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Free quality tools and templates

Downloaded by over 4878 participants, enhancing their competences with us!

1. Requirements matrix as an implementation of IATF 4.3.2 Specific Customer Requirements – Excel form

2. Control Plan – Excel form

3. 5W2H method – Excel form

4. Is / Is Not method – Excel form

5. Radar Chart – Customer Satisfaction – Excel form

6. 5xWhy – Excel form

7. Layered Process Audit – Excel form

8. Check List – 50 activities to be verified before customer audit – Excel form

9. PPM analysis – Risk Assessment method for 0-km claims and warranty returns – Excel form

10. TISAX Implementation Checklist – Excel form

11. TWTTP – The Way To Teach People – Excel form

12. Double Ishikawa for Why Happened and Why Undetected  – Excel form

13. 8D Report  – Excel form

14. 8D Report Closing Audit – Excel form

15. Failure / Action / Effectivness Chart – Claims management – Excel form

16. Risk Analysis – Excel form

17. Turtle Diagram – template and example – Excel form

18. Quality Alert – Excel form

19. Pareto Chart – Excel form

20. Process Flow Diagram – Excel form

21. Internal Communication with 5W2H – Word form

22. Contingency Plan Report (IATF – Excel template

23. PDCA cycle – Excel template

24. Geometrical tolerances with symbols and info about necessity to use datums – Excel template

25. A3 Report – Excel template

26. Core Tools Knowledge Test for Internal Auditors – Excel template

27. Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) – Gage R&R – Excel template

28. Contingency Plans – EHS and Infrastructure example – Excel template

29. PFMEA worksheet – Excel template

30. Context of the organization – Excel template

31. Process Owner Template for Management Review – ppt template

32. One Point Lesson – Excel template

33. TISAX – Infographic

Our collection of top-notch tools and templates offers ready-made resources that you can easily download and implement, saving you valuable time. Engineers and specialists can skip the hassle of creating these resources from scratch and enjoy the convenience of having everything they need at their fingertips for various quality management tasks.

By utilizing our quality tools and templates, you ensure standardization and consistency in your quality management practices. Developed based on industry best practices and recognized quality standards, these resources promote uniformity in documentation, data analysis, problem-solving, and other quality-related activities.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your efficiency and productivity. Download our free eBooks and templates today!