Formel Q – Fundamental quality requirement for cooperation with VW customer

The Customer Specific Requirements are each time the interpretation and additional requirement for a specific criterion contained in IATF 16949:2016.

In the substantive standard IATF, we will also find references stating that a given criterion should be met “in accordance with Customer requirements.” Therefore, this standard only answers the question “what?” should be met. It does not answer the question “how?” it should be achieved.

Here, CSR comes to our aid each time. Why? Because they provide direct guidance on how criteria in areas such as:

  • conducting audits
  • frequency of requalification
  • or responsibility for product integrity should be managed in our organization.


CSR’s almost always keep responsible individuals for this aspect in organizations awake at night. According to the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 clause 4.3.2, we should evaluate and include Customer Requirements Specific in the scope of our organization’s Quality Management System. The most common practice in this area is to refer in the documentation to meeting specific customer requirements.

However, this requires regular tracking of frequent changes to the CSR themselves and consequently updating the system documentation. Additionally, referring to requirement Quality management system documentation, the organization should also have a document (such as a table, list, or matrix) indicating the location of specific customer requirements in the organization’s quality management system.

Specific customer requirements, however, are mandatory and paramount when it comes to quality management systems in the automotive industry. Their structure is always the same, referring to a specific criterion in the IATF, specifying the scope of the standard. In this way, they invoke compliance with additional instructions, standards, requirements, manuals from the Customer itself. This is also the case with VW Customer and the Formel Q itself.

The fundamental requirement regarding the necessity to meet VW Customer requirements is Formel Q-Konkret, which is a quality agreement between the VW Group and its subcontractors. From the moment of the request for quotation, we should also treat this document as part of the requirements, encompassing not only quality but also timeliness, financial agreement, and bilateral communication.

Formel Q structure

The document divides into 5 chapters, with chapter “0” emphasizing the importance of complying with VW customer requirements, referring to other required VW standards such as Formel Q-Capability and Formel Q-New Parts Integral.

Additionally, the VW Group highlights the necessity of adhering to other norms and standards. And most importantly: legal provisions and regulations that apply to the entire supply chain in the automotive industry, regarding manufacturer liability.

Formel Q Chapters Overview
Fig. 1. Formel Q chapters Overview.

The remaining chapters are:

1. Requests for Quotation, Proposal Preparation, and General Requirements

As the name suggests, these are all guidelines regarding bidding. On one hand, essential criteria that suppliers must meet when bidding in the VW Group are presented. These include:

  • the necessity of having an active account in the supplier database along with access to other VW applications, such as KPM, KVS, LION, BeOn;
  • access to documentation; providing contact persons according to language requirements for a given project;
  • issues related to cybersecurity or the use of external outsourcing.
  • additionally, the bidding process has been clarified, detailing what the client expects in this regard.

2. Quality Criteria for Order Placement

This refers to the Formel Q-Capability document, describing the process of both auditing a new supplier’s potential. It is conducted in accordance with VDA 6.3 and audits conducted by the other party. This addresses separate criteria and possible evaluations in this area, along with expanding requirements from VDA 6.3 in some sections.

The quality criteria for order placement, apart from a positive assessment of audits, involve meeting QTR – technical quality requirements. They confirm that all Volkswagen Group requirements and all documents related to the tender have been considered.

3. Collaboration with the supplier during product development

This refers to the Formel Q-New Parts Integral manual, which defines the process of qualifying new parts based on project management according to VDA MLA – assessment of the maturity of new parts, the process of conducting production capability analysis (SFN) (formerly 2-day production), and approval of parts for serial production, i.e., PPF (VDA volume 2).

4. Quality supervision in Serial Production

This involves quality supervision procedures from the start of serial production until the complete availability of spare parts. It is a commitment to comply with, among others:

  • process capabilities,
  • the need to monitor special characteristics in processes,
  • proper management of tools provided by the Client.

A significant requirement in this regard is responsibility for product integrity, including the necessity of having a Delegate for Product Safety and Compliance. Additionally, this chapter defines issues related to monitoring special characteristics of D/TLD. This is important in the context of the need for documentation and operational records, conducting audits, applying evaluation criteria, and archiving records.

Another defined requirement is the processing of 0km warranty claims and market claims based on the VDA FFA standard. Additionally, the need to apply appropriate problem-solving methods according to 8D and response times for complaints depending on the report, along with financial responsibility for the NTF process, has been clarified.

Also highlighted in this chapter is the description of the supplier’s critical program. Escalation levels in the case of chronic quality problems affecting the customer are also specified.

On one hand, here you will find a breakdown of situations that may lead to escalation. On the other hand, you will learn about the consequences and associated implications, as well as what to do to improve customer satisfaction with VW.

Remember about another Formel Q documents

It is also worth noting that in addition to the manuals mentioned in the text, the VW Group also indicates:

  • Formel Q-Konkret Economy – for service parts suppliers
  • Formel Q-Capability Software – Supplement to Formel Q-Capability requirements with descriptions of processes for assessing the quality capability of suppliers using software
  • Quality Specifications for Supplier and Purchased Parts Management – Specific requirements for brands within the VOLKSWAGEN GROUP

We also warmly invite you to the training VW CSR – Formel Q: Customer Specific Requirements management according to IATF and VDA.

Kinga Niedziela