APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning What You Need to Know

APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning: What You Need to Know

APQP provides a structured approach to product development and quality assurance, offering practical tools and processes. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just getting started with it, mastering its methodology is crucial for driving better results and optimizing your projects.

human error root cause analysis - 3 ideas for verifying the root cause

3 Ideas for verifying the Human Error Root Cause Analysis

Sooner or later, every manufacturing organization will face a quality issue that requires appropriate actions to be defined. A common mistake made during the analysis is identifying the cause as "operator error." Why? Because this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pass Through Characteristics - knowledge compendium

Pass Through Characteristics – Comprehensive Knowledge Compendium

PTC refers to a product characteristic that arises or becomes apparent during the manufacturing process but is not used, tested, or verified for functionality at a specific point in the production chain. As a result, there is a very low chance of detecting it and a high likelihood of delivering non-compliant products to the customer.