8D Report – Closing Audit

The last step in problem-solving using the 8D Report is Step D8. It involves recognizing the contributions of the team.

One of the activities associated with this step is the Closing Audit, which ensures the effectiveness of the analysis.

Step D8 – Recognition of the team’s contribution

Conducting an analysis requires appropriate skills and experience to make progress toward a satisfactory problem solution. These skills and experiences are crucial for the proper selection of team members.

The process of solving a problem leads to a better understanding of it through data at each stage. As our understanding of the cause and solution improves, different skills, support tools, and experiences must be applied throughout the analysis.

Acknowledging the efforts of the team and other involved individuals is very important as it strengthens behavior and self-esteem. However, unlike the previous steps, this one is often overlooked. Why? Because management assumes that problem-solving is a standard activity assigned to employees’ responsibilities.

8D Report Closing Audit template example
Fig. 1. 8D Report Closing Audit template example.

This is a false assumption because Step D8 allows us to:

  • Evaluate and summarize the overall analysis
  • Ensure all 8D steps have been completed
  • Update the final part of the 8D report
  • Send the completed report to the customer (electronically or via the customer portal)
  • Thank the team for their contributions
  • Communicate the results of their work to the organization
Finalizing the 8D Report
Fig. 2. Finalizing the 8D Report.

8D Report Closing Audit – Assumptions

One of the tools supporting this step (Discipline) is the Closing Audit. Its structure mirrors the steps followed when creating a standard 8D report. However, the significant difference is the time dedicated to each step according to the requirements of the client and the organization.

Typically, this audit should be carried out by a manager or supervisor, but more than one person may be involved. As a result, the team that conducted the problem analysis receives a clear message that their work is important to the organization.

Additionally, each person can directly present the actions taken on the production line.

You can download an editable Excel form for free on the Free Quality Tools

Document name:Β 8D Report Closing Audit – Excel form

Dariusz Kowalczyk